Classroom Focused Software
Over 19.64 Million Free Downloads

Software for Elementary School Classrooms
View the software descriptions on the App Store Preview Page: here
The software has been developed and used in classrooms around the Iowa and Illinois Quad Cities. All current titles have been rewritten or developed using LiveCode® published by LiveCode LTD (
Number Sense Project
A continuing focus for software development has been for a Kindergarten/First Grade Number Sense Project. The project is a cooperative effort between Education Department faculty and students at Augustana College in Rock Island, IL and faculty at Longfellow Elementary School in Rock Island.
Most of the software titles in the NumberSense Series have been developed with Mike Egan. He is currently a professor in the Education Department at Augustana College, Rock Island, IL.
Suggestions & Bugs
I'd appreciate hearing any suggestions or ideas for improving the apps. Please feek free to reach out and email me.